What Do You Want?

Live Life Boldly

100% Free for 10 Days

100% Customized for Every Member

Join a Life Changing Supportive Community

Invest just 1% of your time — 10 minutes a day for 10 days.

Engage in daily thought-provoking, transformational activities.

Let's Get Started Together

Let's Go!

Welcome to Lifebushido,

Together, we are a community dedicated to defining and pursuing our individual paths to greatness – our personal Bushidos. We believe in living life boldly, with passion at the heart of every endeavor.

Our vision is to foster a supportive environment where each member feels empowered to achieve their unique dreams and projects through bold action. Our mission is to create a space where ambition is matched with action.

Discover the essence of our vision through our engaging one-minute videos, which offer a window into the values and principles that shape our vibrant community.

Connect and thrive within our dynamic community by participating in our BushidoGathering events, both virtual and in person. Start your day with intention at BushidoCoffee or unwind with our Bushido Happy Hour—spaces designed for inspiration, motivation, and mutual support. Join a BushidoWalk to clear your mind and converse with peers, or enhance your personal and business growth through BushidoCoaching. Our platform is a wellspring of shared knowledge and experiences, fostering BushidoCollaboration for creative endeavors. Whether you're looking for a spark of creativity, a shoulder to lean on, or a burst of motivation, our BushidoFamily is here to uplift you at every step.

Dive deeper into the Lifebushido experience by becoming part of a Lifebushido Circle. Align with a tight-knit group of nine peers committed to supporting one another on their personal Bushido journeys every day.

With just 10 minutes a day and one hour a week of focused action, you'll be part of a collective progression and experience the power of camaraderie.

Our Lifebushido Gatherings, accessible both in-person and virtually, present invaluable opportunities for networking, learning, and enjoyment within our community.

Inspired by the ancient Japanese samurai code, Bushido, which signifies the "Way of the Warrior," we embrace values such as justice, integrity, and courage.

Embark on a transformative journey with us today. We don't just celebrate the pursuit of dreams, we nurture the connections and growth that make them a reality. Anything is Possible.

We invite you to a 10-day complimentary trial of a TryBushido. If you find that we're a perfect match, become a full-fledged member for $99/month. Join us, and let's live life boldly together.


Lifebushido is a life network of people helping each other to live life boldly with passion.

Bushido means taking bold action and making it happen.

Your Bushido is also a project/vision which inspires you.  It may be a business or a creative or social entrepreneurial venture that you have dreamed of doing. 

You may have experiences which stopped you from your Bushido. 

Fear tells you to never pursue your Bushido. 

Do not listen to Fear.

Lifebushido helps you to focus and pursue your Bushido and share yourself with the world.  Share more love - pursue your Bushido with people who care for each other.

Lifebushido is a group of people coming together and sharing their Bushido.  We help each other clarify our Bushido and take daily action to achieve our Bushido.

Lifebushido brings groups of people together around the world.  We inspire and energize each other to discover and clarify our Bushido.  We take daily action towards our Bushido together.  By sharing and helping each other, we create Serendipity and positive energy to progress daily to achieve our Bushido.

*Lifebushido is free for the first 10 days. No credit card required.

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